A general purpose interactive computer assisted instructional system is described. It uses an integrated data base to store the instructional materials, the student records, the system statistics, and the system control data. A control program is employed to interact with learners at remote terminals, to direct the instructional process, and to retrieve the appropriate instructional materials.Instructional materials are organized and stored as English text in the data base. No computer programming is necessary for implementing and revising the course materials. The data base is organized as a direct access file allowing (in auxaliary storage media) large quantities of instructional information to be stored at a minimal cost. Every basic instructional material unit, a frame, in the data base is equally accessible to the control program. This permits the lesson designer to link any frame at any particular sequence. Branches between the courses are feasible for remedial instruction or multiple use of materials. Several types of response modes are provided, and additional desirable responsivenesses can be added with minimal difficulty. Detailed student background and historical learning data are available for intelligently controlling the instructional sequences.The system is now operational on an IBM system/360 model 65/50 ASP general purpose computational system in a multiprogramming environment under CPS. The same concept can be used to develop a dedicated CAI system using a smaller hardware configuration.
Eugene G. Kerr,et al.
The modular development of computer-assisted instruction programs
T. C. Ting,et al.
A control program for Computer Assisted Instruction on a general purpose computer
ACM '69.
Max E. Jerman,et al.
Computer-Assisted Instruction
P. Suppes.
The Uses of Computers in Education.
G. Pask.
An Approach To Cybernetics
Tuz-Chin Ting.
The development of a computer-assisted instructional system
Robert T. Filep,et al.
Individualized instruction and the computer: Potential for mass education