Mining causality is essential to provide a diagnosis. This research aims at extracting the causality existing within multiple sentences or EDUs (Elementary Discourse Unit). The research emphasizes the use of causality verbs because they make explicit in a certain way the consequent events of a cause, e.g., “Aphidssuckthe sap from rice leaves. Then leaves willshrink. Later, they willbecomeyellow anddry.”. A verb can also be the causal-verb link between cause and effect within EDU(s), e.g., “Aphids suck the sap from rice leavescausingleaves to be shrunk” (“causing” is equivalent to a causal-verb link in Thai). The research confronts two main problems: identifying the interesting causality events from documents and identifying their boundaries. Then, we propose mining on verbs by using two different machine learning techniques, Naïve Bayes classifier and Support Vector Machine. The resulted mining rules will be used for the identification and the causality extraction of the multiple EDUs from text. Our multiple EDUs extraction shows 0.88 precision with 0.75 recall from Naïve Bayes classifier and 0.89 precision with 0.76 recall from Support Vector Machine.
Daniel Marcu,et al.
An Unsupervised Approach to Recognizing Discourse Relations
Stephen B. Vardeman,et al.
Statistics for Engineering Problem Solving.
S. Glennan.
Rethinking Mechanistic Explanation
Philosophy of Science.
Roxana Gîrju,et al.
Automatic Detection of Causal Relations for Question Answering
ACL 2003.
Yuji Matsumoto,et al.
Acquiring causal knowledge from text using the connective marker tame
Paul K. Moser,et al.
The Oxford handbook of epistemology
Daniel Marcu,et al.
Building a Discourse-Tagged Corpus in the Framework of Rhetorical Structure Theory
SIGDIAL Workshop.
Du-Seong Chang,et al.
Causal Relation Extraction Using Cue Phrase and Lexical Pair Probabilities
Nello Cristianini,et al.
An introduction to Support Vector Machines