AbstractLet F0 and Fm be the top and bottom faces of the box [0, k]×[0, l]×[0, m] in Z3. To each edge e in the box, we assign an i.i.d. nonnegative random variable t(e) representing the flow capacity of e. Denote by Φk, l, m the maximal flow from F0 to Fm in the box. Let pc denote the critical value for bond percolation on Z3. It is known that Φk, l, m is asymptotically proportional to the area of F0 as m, k, l→∞, when the probability that t(e)>0 exceeds pc, but is of lower order if the probability is strictly less than pc. Here we consider the critical case where the probability that t(e)>0 is exactly equal to pc, and prove that
$$\mathop {{\text{lim}}}\limits_{k,l,m \to \infty } \frac{1}{{kl}}\Phi _{k,l,m} = 0{\text{ a}}{\text{.s and in }}L_1 $$
The limiting behavior of related to surfaces on Z3 are also considered in this paper.
U. Krengel,et al.
Ergodic theorems for superadditive processes.
Harry Kesten,et al.
First-passage percolation, network flows and electrical resistances
J. Chayes,et al.
Bulk transport properties and exponent inequalities for random resistor and flow networks
H. Kesten.
Surfaces with minimal random weights and maximal flows: A higher dimensional version of first-passage percolation
Charles M. Newman,et al.
Percolation in half-spaces: equality of critical densities and continuity of the percolation probability
Multiparameter Subadditive Processes