On the Compilers of Zhaoming Anthology of Literature:A Comment on Lin Boqian's Argument

A comprehensive study of Daoxuan's literal copy of Liu Xiaosun's comment on the preface to "On the Compilation of Shiyuan by Liu Xiaochuo" may discover that the evidence is incapable of testifying Liu Xiaochuo as the chief compiler of Shiyuan. To quote " the crown prince willing the compilation and prefacing by Liu only" as a testimony that the prince didn't compile Zhaoming Anthology of Literature is like ignoring the common sense of science just after walking out of the lab. "Shiyuan is actually Shiyuan Yinghua" ,so Liu Xiaochuo is the core compiler of Zhaoming Anthology of Literature-this conclusion holds no water and forms no challenge to the view that Xiao Tong is the compiler. In the eyes of the practical compilation of the book,Zhaoming the crown prince was surely able to finish it on his own.