Design Improvement of Multi LED Bending Machine Fixture

The manufactures of LEDs play a major role for supporting vast amount of LEDs usage in various applications. Preparation of LEDs using manual bending and cutting requires human labor that cost a lot of time and not reliable in tenns on the bending and cutting quality of the lead using pliers and hand cutters. This paper presents the new concept in designing of machine fix ture for the number of LEDs. The new machine fixture would be able to hold and to support the LED securely in the required position for the machine operation. Jn addition, it would be able to perform the bending and cutting operations simultaneously. By applying the pneumatic system and programmable logic controller (PLC) to the machine fixture, the user would be able to bend and cut the LED pin connector to the required shape and length. This machine fixture would vastly reduce three times the cycle time for producing LED"s in the current situation. As a res ult, new machine fixture for the multi LED has been developed.