풍화토지반 얕은기초에 대한 LRFD 저항계수 분석

Recently the necessity of developing the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for shallow foundation has been raised to implement to the domestic design codes related to geotechnical engineering since the limit state design is requested as international technical standard for the foundation of structures. In this study, applicability of LRFD for shallow foundation on weathered soils was investigated and resistance factor for this case was proposed. The quantitative analyses on the uncertainty and resistance bias for shallow foundation on weathered soil ground were performed by collecting the statistical data about domestic case studies for design and construction of shallow foundation. Reliability analyses for shallow foundation were first performed using FDA (First-order Design value Approach) method. Resistance factors were calibrated using the load factors obtained from the specifications of shallow foundations on weathered soil ground. The influence of the load factors developed in this study on the resistance factors were discussed by comparing with the resistance factor obtained from using AASHTO load factors.