The role of calcitonin in the development and treatment of osteoporosis.

CT is a peptide hormone produced predominantly by thyroid C cells and probably to a lesser extent by extrathyroidal tissues. Although its physiological function has not yet been established, it is a pharmacological inhibitor of osteoclastic bone resorption. There is currently no convincing evidence that naturally occurring or iatrogenic CT deficiency is involved in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis; however, a selective examination of patients with various rates of bone turnover would help to resolve this issue. As a pharmacological inhibitor of bone resorption, CT has potential usefulness in the therapy of osteoporosis. CT has been shown to stabilize or modestly increase indices of cortical and trabecular bone mass and total body calcium when administered to patients with established osteoporosis for periods of 1-2 yr. The increments in bone mass seen in some studies appear to be transient and are likely due to reductions in bone resorption with bone formation remaining unaffected until remodeling spaces are filled. The duration and magnitude of these increases are probably limited by the eventual decline in bone formation as remodeling equilibrium is reestablished. Therefore, reduction in the rate of bone loss with maintenance of the existing skeletal mass, rather than significant sustained increases in bone mass, should be considered the most realistic therapeutic goal with this agent. Whether or not a reduction in the rate of bone loss persists for longer periods needs further evaluation as does the important issue of subsequent fracture rates. The identification of patients with increased bone resorption rates (high turnover osteoporosis) should help provide a basis for more selective treatment of those patients who would be most likely to respond to this form of therapy. Whether there is additional benefit to using intermittent CT concurrently or sequentially with bone formation stimulating agents (coherence therapy) also needs to be explored. CT may also be of benefit in the prevention of osteoporosis, particularly in postmenopausal women who are unable or unwilling to take estrogen replacement. These potential benefits must be weighed carefully against the current cost of CT and the inconvenience of it having to be given by injection, problems which should be solved by future research.

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