Development of a SCC composition for disposal of heat-emitting, radioactive waste in Belgium

ONDRAF/NIRAS is the national radioactive waste agency in Belgium responsible for the long term management of radioactive waste and enriched fissile materials. For the final disposal of long-lived, heat-emitting vitrified waste and spent fuel (category C waste) in the deep Boom Clay layer, ONDRAF/NIRAS has developed in collaboration with Tractebel and SCK•CEN a design, called Supercontainer, bases on the use of an integrated waste package composed of a carbon steel overpack surrounded by an Ordinary Portland Cement buffer. For the choice of this cementitious buffer, different compositions are being considered. One of the possible solutions is the use of self compacting concrete because it will ease considerably the precast process and complies with all other requirements regarding compressive strength, long term durability, chemical interactions,... . In this paper, the process of choosing a reference composition for the SCC concrete will be explained. The above mentioned requirements differ, at least for some points, significantly from those frequently used in classical constructions. Consequently, an appropriate choice for aggregates, cement and superplasticizer result from these requirements. An intensive laboratory characterization program and large scale tests will be performed in order to obtain concrete parameters used in a 3D thermal and crack modelling program. Finally, the future characterization, demonstration and modelling program, necessary to increase the confidence in the feasibility of the Supercontainer design, will be presented.