Recovery from schizophrenia : an international perspective : a report from the WHO collaborative project, the international study of schizophrenia

PART I. BACKGROUND 1. Twenty-five Years of WHO: Coordinated Activities Concerned with Schizophrenia 2. Study Methodology PART II. FINDINGS 3. An Overview of Course and Outcome in ISoS 4. Predictors of Long-Term Course and Outcome for the DOSMeD Cohort 5. Long-Term Diagnostic Stability in International Cohorts of Persons with Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses 6. Long-Term Mortality Experience of International Cohorts of Persons with Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses 7. Identifying Prognostic Factors That Predict Recovery in the Prescence of Loss to Follow-Up PART III. THE CENTERS SECTION III.B INTERNATIONAL PILOT STUDY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA (IPSS) 8. IPSS: Agra, India 9. IPSS: Cali, Columbia 10. IPSS: Prague, Czech Republic SECTION III.B DETERMINANTS OF OUTCOME OF SEVERE MENTAL DISORDER (DISMED) 11. Chandigarh, India 12. Dublin, Ireland 13. Honolulu, Hawai'i 14. Moscow, Russia 15. Nagasaki, Japan 16. Nottingham, UK 17. Rochester, New York SECTION III.C REDUCTION AND ASSESSMENT OF PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITY (RAPYD OR DISABILITY) 18. Groningen, Netherlands 19. Mannheim, Germany 20. Sofia, Bulgaria SECTION III.D RETROSPECTIVE ANALYSIS (RA)/INVITED CENTERS 21. Beijing, China 22. Hong Kong 23. Chennai (Madras), India Conclusion