Validation Database for Propulsion Computational Fluid Dynamics

Validation of computational e uid dynamic (CFD) models appropriate for subsonic through hypersonic e ow applicationsrequirescarefulconsiderationofthephysicalprocessesencounteredinthesee ightregimesanddetailed comparisons of the calculated results with experimental data sets that include these processes. The work reported involved two efforts: 1 ) identie cation of quality data sets for establishment of a standard validation database and 2) direct comparison of the CFD model results with the measurement database. Three Navier ‐Stokes-based CFD models were selected for comparison: the three-dimensional, upwind-differenced, e nite volume e ow solver; the generalized implicite owsolver;and thegeneralaerodynamicsimulationprogram.Computede owpropertiesfrom these three models were compared to experimental data from seven selected databases. These databases include measurements from the following experiments: 1 ) supersonic e ow over a rearward-facing step, 2 ) supersonic, two-dimensional nozzle e ow, 3 ) low subsonic, reacting nozzle e ow, 4 ) combustion in two-dimensional, supersonic e ow with tangential hydrogen injection, 5 ) shear-layer combustion in a supersonic concentric hydrogen/air e ow, 6) hypersonic e ow over a biconic model with perpendicular nitrogen injection, and 7 ) sonic, normal injection of staged N2 jets behind a rearward-facing step into a Mach number 2 airstream. The results of the study indicate that all three models compared reasonably well with e ow measurements from the seven validation cases.