Validation of computational e uid dynamic (CFD) models appropriate for subsonic through hypersonic e ow applicationsrequirescarefulconsiderationofthephysicalprocessesencounteredinthesee ightregimesanddetailed comparisons of the calculated results with experimental data sets that include these processes. The work reported involved two efforts: 1 ) identie cation of quality data sets for establishment of a standard validation database and 2) direct comparison of the CFD model results with the measurement database. Three Navier ‐Stokes-based CFD models were selected for comparison: the three-dimensional, upwind-differenced, e nite volume e ow solver; the generalized implicite owsolver;and thegeneralaerodynamicsimulationprogram.Computede owpropertiesfrom these three models were compared to experimental data from seven selected databases. These databases include measurements from the following experiments: 1 ) supersonic e ow over a rearward-facing step, 2 ) supersonic, two-dimensional nozzle e ow, 3 ) low subsonic, reacting nozzle e ow, 4 ) combustion in two-dimensional, supersonic e ow with tangential hydrogen injection, 5 ) shear-layer combustion in a supersonic concentric hydrogen/air e ow, 6) hypersonic e ow over a biconic model with perpendicular nitrogen injection, and 7 ) sonic, normal injection of staged N2 jets behind a rearward-facing step into a Mach number 2 airstream. The results of the study indicate that all three models compared reasonably well with e ow measurements from the seven validation cases.
Houshang Ebrahimi,et al.
CFD validation for scramjet combustor and nozzle flows. I
David C. Slack,et al.
Characteristic-based algorithms for flows in thermochemical nonequilibrium
H. Kamath,et al.
Parabolized Navier-Stokes algorithm for chemically reacting flows
Anatole P. Kurkov,et al.
An Analytical and Experimental Study of Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen in Vitiated Air Stream
Houshang Ebrahimi.
Parametric investigation of the effect of various phenomena on the performance of a scramjet nozzle
Houshang B. Ebrahimi.
Numerical Investigation of Multi-Plume Rocket Phenomenology
H. Ebrahimi.
CFD validation and evaluation for combustor and nozzle flows. II
Houshang Ebrahimi.
An efficient two-dimensional engineering design code for scramjet combustor, nozzle, and plume analysis
A. Ferri,et al.
Review of scramjet propulsion technology.
J. Leng,et al.
Validation of scramjet exhaust simulation technique at Mach 6
Charles L. Merkle,et al.
A set of strongly coupled, upwind algorithms for computing flows in chemical nonequilibrium