Intergroup bias.

This chapter reviews the extensive literature on bias in favor of in-groups at the expense of out-groups. We focus on five issues and identify areas for future research: (a) measurement and conceptual issues (especially in-group favoritism vs. out-group derogation, and explicit vs. implicit measures of bias); (b) modern theories of bias highlighting motivational explanations (social identity, optimal distinctiveness, uncertainty reduction, social dominance, terror management); (c) key moderators of bias, especially those that exacerbate bias (identification, group size, status and power, threat, positive-negative asymmetry, personality and individual differences); (d) reduction of bias (individual vs. intergroup approaches, especially models of social categorization); and (e) the link between intergroup bias and more corrosive forms of social hostility.

[1]  Rupert Brown,et al.  The relationship between acculturation strategies, relative fit and intergroup relations: immigrant-majority relations in Germany , 2002 .

[2]  C. Judd,et al.  Spontaneous prejudice in context: variability in automatically activated attitudes. , 2001, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[3]  John C. Turner,et al.  The Role of Personality and Group Factors in Explaining Prejudice , 2001 .

[4]  K. Charlton,et al.  Status differences and in-group bias: a meta-analytic examination of the effects of status stability, status legitimacy, and group permeability. , 2001, Psychological bulletin.

[5]  C. Judd,et al.  Evaluative versus Conceptual Judgments in Automatic Stereotyping and Prejudice , 2001 .

[6]  N. Miller,et al.  Decategorization and the reduction of bias in the crossed categorization paradigm , 2001 .

[7]  Michael Dobbs,et al.  Outgroup Accountability in the Minimal Group Paradigm: Implications for Aversive Discrimination and Social Identity Theory , 2001 .

[8]  William A. Cunningham,et al.  Implicit Attitude Measures: Consistency, Stability, and Convergent Validity , 2001, Psychological science.

[9]  M. Hewstone,et al.  Social psychology and intergroup conflict , 2001 .

[10]  Ethnopolitical and other group violence: Origins and prevention. , 2001 .

[11]  M. Hewstone,et al.  Multiple categorization and implicit intergroup bias: differential category dominance and the positive–negative asymmetry effect , 2001 .

[12]  Jolanda Jetten,et al.  Guilty by Association : When One ' s Group Has a Negative History , 2001 .

[13]  Markus Brauer,et al.  Intergroup Perception in the Social Context: The Effects of Social Status and Group Membership on Perceived Out-group Homogeneity and Ethnocentrism , 2001 .

[14]  S. Otten,et al.  Positive-Negative Asymmetry in Social Discrimination: Valence of Evaluation and Salience of Categorization , 2000 .

[15]  M. Shih,et al.  Social Dominance Orientation and Group Context in Implicit Group Prejudice , 2000, Psychological science.

[16]  Eliot R. Smith,et al.  Intergroup emotions: explaining offensive action tendencies in an intergroup context. , 2000, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[17]  William A. Cunningham,et al.  Performance on Indirect Measures of Race Evaluation Predicts Amygdala Activation , 2000, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

[18]  M. Hewstone,et al.  Crossed Categorization and Intergroup Bias: The Moderating Roles of Intergroup and Affective Context , 2000 .

[19]  Michael R. Healy,et al.  Ingroup Bias and Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analysis , 2000 .

[20]  J. Jost,et al.  Group-based dominance and opposition to equality as independent predictors of self-esteem, ethnocentrism, and social policy attitudes among african americans and european americans , 2000 .

[21]  Anthony G. Greenwald,et al.  Automatic Preference for White Americans: Eliminating the Familiarity Explanation , 2000 .

[22]  C. Judd,et al.  Framing interethnic ideology: effects of multicultural and color-blind perspectives on judgments of groups and individuals. , 2000, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[23]  N. Miller,et al.  The impact of positive mood and category importance on crossed categorization effects. , 2000, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[24]  M. Hogg Subjective Uncertainty Reduction through Self-categorization: A Motivational Theory of Social Identity Processes , 2000 .

[25]  B. N. Buswell,et al.  Breaking the prejudice habit: Progress and obstacles. , 2000 .

[26]  Marilynn B. Brewer,et al.  Reducing prejudice through cross-categorization: Effects of multiple social identities. , 2000 .

[27]  Linda R. Tropp,et al.  Does intergroup contact reduce prejudice: Recent meta-analytic findings. , 2000 .

[28]  W. Stephan,et al.  An Integrated Threat Theory of Prejudice , 2000 .

[29]  Measuring prejudice: Implicit versus explicit techniques. , 2000 .

[30]  James H. Liu,et al.  Social dominance orientation, anti-egalitarianism and the political psychology of gender: An extension and cross-cultural replication. , 2000 .

[31]  M. Hewstone,et al.  Multiple categorization and social identity , 2000 .

[32]  J. Turner,et al.  When are we better than them and they worse than us? A closer look at social discrimination in positive and negative domains. , 2000, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[33]  C. Macrae,et al.  Social cognition: thinking categorically about others. , 2000, Annual review of psychology.

[34]  C. Insko,et al.  Intergroup discrimination in the minimal group paradigm: categorization, reciprocation, or fear? , 2000, Journal of personality and social psychology.

[35]  D. Wentura,et al.  About the impact of automaticity in the minimal group paradigm: evidence from affective priming tasks , 1999 .

[36]  Michael A. Hogg,et al.  Subjective Uncertainty and Intergroup Discrimination in the Minimal Group Situation , 1999 .

[37]  Matthew J. Hornsey,et al.  Subgroup differentiation as a response to an overly‐inclusive group: a test of optimal distinctiveness theory , 1999 .

[38]  M. Wenzel,et al.  Social Discrimination and Tolerance in Intergroup Relations: Reactions to Intergroup Difference , 1999, Personality and social psychology review : an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.

[39]  Christopher M. Federico The Interactive Effects of Social Dominance Orientation, Group Status, and Perceived Stability on Favoritism for High-Status Groups , 1999 .

[40]  J. Sidanius,et al.  Social Dominance and Social Identity in the United States and Israel: Ingroup Favoritism or Outgroup Derogation? , 1999 .

[41]  F. Pratto,et al.  Who Gets What and Why: Determinants of Social Allocations , 1999 .

[42]  R. Bourhis,et al.  Ethnocentrism, Social Identification, and Discrimination , 1999 .

[43]  Eliot R. Smith,et al.  Conceptualizing Social Identity: A New Framework and Evidence for the Impact of Different Dimensions , 1999 .

[44]  Jennifer G. Boldry,et al.  Intergroup perception in naturally occurring groups of differential status : A social relations perspective , 1999 .

[45]  M. Brewer The Psychology of Prejudice: Ingroup Love and Outgroup Hate? , 1999 .

[46]  Rebecca S. Bigler,et al.  The Use of Multicultural Curricula and Materials to Counter Racism in Children , 1999 .

[47]  K. A. Finlay,et al.  The role of empathy in improving intergroup relations. , 1999 .

[48]  F. Aboud,et al.  Exploring and Evaluating School‐Based Interventions to Reduce Prejudice , 1999 .

[49]  Anne Maass,et al.  Linguistic Intergroup Bias: Stereotype Perpetuation Through Language , 1999 .

[50]  F. Pratto The Puzzle of Continuing Group Inequality: Piecing Together Psychological, Social, and Cultural Forces in Social Dominance Theory , 1999 .

[51]  Sheri R. Levy Reducing Prejudice: Lessons From Social‐Cognitive Factors Underlying Perceiver Differences in Prejudice , 1999 .

[52]  N. Miller,et al.  Effect of affective reactions by an out-group on preferences for crossed categorization discussion partners. , 1998 .

[53]  B. Bettencourt,et al.  Cooperative Interaction and Intergroup Bias: Effects of Numerical Representation and Cross-Cut Role Assignment , 1998 .

[54]  B. Buunk,et al.  Attitudes of minority and majority members towards adaptation of immigrants , 1998 .

[55]  M. Mikulincer,et al.  Terror Management in Childhood: Does Death Conceptualization Moderate the Effects of Mortality Salience on Acceptance of Similar and Different Others? , 1998 .

[56]  B. Mullen,et al.  The effects of crossed categorization on intergroup evaluations: A meta-analysis , 1998 .

[57]  P. Devine,et al.  Internal and external motivation to respond without prejudice , 1998 .

[58]  Thomas F. Pettigrew,et al.  Reactions Toward the New Minorities of Western Europe , 1998 .

[59]  A. Kruglanski,et al.  Membership has its (epistemic) rewards: need for closure effects on in-group bias. , 1998, Journal of personality and social psychology.

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[63]  A. Greenwald,et al.  Measuring individual differences in implicit cognition: the implicit association test. , 1998, Journal of personality and social psychology.

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[65]  Jeffrey W. Sherman,et al.  Suppression as a Stereotype Control Strategy , 1998, Personality and social psychology review : an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.

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