26. What the Robot's Camera Tells the Operator's Brain

Imagine trying to navigate through your environment while looking straight ahead through a narrow tube. These are essentially the conditions the operator of an ROV in teleoperation mode may have to contend with. We hypothesized that controlling ground-based ROVs would be easier if an operator developed an explicit overview of the space in which the ROV was maneuvering. Accordingly, we conducted a study in which we had naive undergraduate participants explore a maze-like virtual desert environment while drawing a map of the area. After completing a 30-min mapping task, participants re-entered the maze to search for and retrieve a target object. The virtual robots and landscape, which had minimal landmarks and a maze of navigable paths (see Fig. 1), were created using CeeBot (see Chadwick, Gillan, Simon, & Pazuchanics, 2004, for a discussion of the CeeBot tool). Maps drawn by participants were rated independently by three raters (graduate psychology students) for the usefulness of the map for navigating the area on a scale from 1 (not at all useful) to 7 (extremely useful). Cronbach's alpha was computed as a consistency estimate of inter-rater reliability at 0.96.