Status and trends of European pollinators. Key findings of the STEP project

Natural Capital, and the ecosystem services derived from it, are essential to human well-be- ing and economic prosperity. Indeed, nature inspires and provides many solutions that can help us tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For example, pollinators matter because a majority of European crops depend or benet from insect pollination. Another example is the contribution of pollinators to preserving cherished natural and cultural landscapes through wildower pollination. However, due to a cocktail mix of drivers of change, pollinator species are disappearing and pollinator populations are declining. ese losses accentuate several of our societal chal- lenges, including food security and ecosystem degradation. Hence, building knowledge on the causes behind pollinator decline, and the eects of pollinator decline on other species and ecosystems is essential. e STEP project has contributed signicantly within this eld, with a particular focus on the status and drivers behind trends in European pollinators. Furthermore, research into the dierent solutions for maintaining or enhancing pollinator populations is crucial. ese activities enrich the knowledge base on Nature-based solu- tions, solutions that are inspired by or supported by nature and address societal challenges while maintaining or enhancing our natural capital. Overall, research and innovation ac- tions such as those successfully supported by the STEP project, contribute to greening the economy and making development sustainable.