Recently the computerization of the higher education progresses rapidly in Japan. A variety of WEB services are developed, and improve the usefulness of user such as students and faculty members. There are ever-increasing amount of web services. Developing the framework that cooperates between the WEB services, and offering it are important. As for the cooperation of the WEB services, the research and development are advanced as WEBSSO (WEB Single Signe On). We also develop the framework that cooperates between the WEB services and verify it. In addition, the demand on the cooperation interorganizational the WEB services are increase in these days. Such cooperation is called federation. Therefore, a new framework different from existing WebSSO architecture is needed. So, this study proposes the new model of the authentication and authorization. We achieve the federation by using OSS middleware Shibboleth that is developed at Internet2. However, the function is insufficient only the Shibboleth. Then, we have enhanced the Shibboleth. In addition, to verify the effectiveness of federation based on the management of the authentication and authorization, a prototype environment was constructed. The federation model is verified on the experimental environment.