Update on the status of H4RG-15 SCA production and testing at Teledyne imaging sensors (Conference Presentation)

The Hawaii-4RG-15 (H4RG-15) Sensor Chip Assembly (SCA) is a 4096×4096 pixel sensor with 15 µm pixel pitch. The H4RG-15 is the newest SCA developed by Teledyne for low light level astronomical applications, providing larger format while retaining the low noise and low power of the H1RG and H2RG arrays with additional new features. The SCAs are currently being produced with mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe or MCT) detectors having cutoff wavelengths of 1.7 µm for near-infrared (NIR) and 2.5 µm for short-wave infrared (SWIR) applications. SCAs can also be produced with 5.3 µm cutoff wavelength for mid-wave infrared (MWIR) or optimized for visible only applications with hybrid silicon (HyViSI) detectors. Several science grade detectors have been delivered for use in new astronomical instruments. The H4RG-15 sensor has been developed to enable assembly of mosaics with high pixel fill factor, with a new package design that improves the butt-ability of the SCAs. The new package achieves a high level of flatness and is also appropriate for space flight missions, with assembly using flight qualifiable components.