Using 3D Printed Tools and an Augmented Reality Smartphone App to Enhance Paramedic Skill Development

On the 16th May 2014, Christopher Pyne urged universities to prepare students for “jobs of the future”, encouraging universities to train students for the new knowledge economy, where knowledge, especially of technology, is considered as vital an asset as practical skills. This innovation takes this approach, using a combination of a 3D printed Laryngoscope and Forceps, together with a special hat mount and a smartphone app that tracks these devices via ‘augmented reality’, to provide a sandbox simulation. This ‘Mixed Media’ visualisation enhances skills development in Laryngoscopy and foreign object removal for trainee paramedics in the CQUniversity Bachelor of Paramedic Science (BPS), building their awareness of new methods for training and widening their education beyond the scope of a traditional paramedic science curriculum. This simulation is useful because students in the CQUniversity BPS develop foundation knowledge in sciences, human body systems, research skills and paramedic practice and are expected to have developed the real world expertise and skills to work as health professionals in emergency medicine and retrieval. Yet despite these very practical requirements, the ability to practice practical skills in the program can be limited for many of the students, who study the program at a distance. The desire of students for more hands-on practice is reflected in responses to course evaluations. The aim of this research is therefore to provide more hands-on skill practice, as well as increase overall skill acquisition and retention for distance students, providing an expected overall improvement in skill level for all BPS students. Citation Cowling, M. A., Birt. J. & Moore, E. (2015, October) Using 3D Printed Tools and an Augmented Reality Smartphone App to Enhance Paramedic Skill Development, Council of Ambulance Authorities Conference Poster, Melbourne, Australia.