Neural and massively parallel computers - the sixth generation
FUTURE TRENDS: SIXTH GENERATION. Advances in Logic and Knowledge Engineering. Systems Emulating Human Behavior. Systems Emulating Brain-Behavior Functions. BRAIN-LIKE SYSTEMS UNDER DEVELOPMENT. Cognitrons and Neocognitrons. Adaptive Learning Systems. Goal-Directed Systems. Digital Transformation Systems and Pseudo-Associative Memories. Associative-Memory Based Systems. Massively Parallel Systems. BIOMODELS AND HARDWARE ARCHITECTURES. Simulation of Biological Systems. Biosignals and their Computer Processing. Communication Based on Timing in Insects. Communication Based on Frequency Pattern Recognition in Birds. Models of Quantized Information Transmission on Neural Terminals. BIOLANGUAGES AND SOFTWARE. Information Coding. Communication Based on Pulse Pattern Recognition of Fireflies. Brain Window Logic. Brain Window Language.