국내외 친환경 건축물 인증평가기준의 비교분석을 통한 에너지성능지표(EPI) 개선방향에 관한 연구

Rapid increase of energy prices and acceleration of global warming have led to high interest on the reduction of carbon dioxide emission reduction all around the world. Since building industry accounts for about 40% of international energy and resource consumption and 30-40% of CO2 emission, it is essential to prepare for energy-efficient buliding. This study aims to seek for improvement direction for a Energy Performance Index(EPI) of Green Building Rating System through the comparison with foreign system. This paper compared 3 foreign systems(LEED, Code for Sustainable Home, Green star) based on various aspects. These include : evaluation method, criteria, standard model, evaluation method of renewable energy system. Use of the comparison analysis is to produce a better picture and indicate profits and shortcomings for the tools as a group; thus providing important direction improvement of EPI(Energy Performance Index)