Fiber Bragg grating writing technique for multimode optical fibers providing stimulation of few-mode effects in measurement systems

This work is concerned with fiber Bragg grating (FBG) writing technique developed for graded-index multimode optical fibers applied in measurement systems based on a few-mode effects. We present some results of experimental approbation of proposed technique with Bragg wavelength 1310 and 1550 nm on samples of graded-index multimode optical fibers 50/125 of both new-generations Cat. OM2+/OM3 and old Cat. OM2 with preliminary measured refractive index profiles. While the first group fibers of Cat. OM2+/OM3 was characterized by almost ideal smooth graded refractive index profile and some fiber profile samples of this group contains thin central peak, the second fiber group profiles of Cat. OM2 differ by great central core defects representing dip or thick peak. Results of described FBG spectral response measurements under excitation of laser pigtailed by single-mode fiber are represented.