Computer Graphics: Developments in Virtual Environments

Techniques in Modeling Virtual Environment: N.Tsingos, E.Bittar, and M.P.Gascues, Implicit Surfaces for Semi-Automatic Medical Organs Reconstruction M.Margaliot and C. Gotsman, Approximation of Smooth Surfaces and Adaptive Sampling by Piecewise-Linear Interpolants G.Elber, Metamorphosis of Free-Form Curves and Surfaces. Rendering Virtual Environments: G. Jay, and D. McRobie, Pixel-Independent Ray Tracing S.N. Pattanaik and K. Bouatouch, Interactive Walk Through Using Particle Tracing D. Stuttard, A. Worrall, D. Paddon, and C. Willis, A Radiosity System for Real-Time Phto-Realism S. Merzouk, B.Salque, and J.C. Paul, A Domain Decomposition Method for Radiosity D. Tadamura and E. Nakamae, Modeling the Colour of Water in Lighting Design C. Chevrier, S. Belblidia, and J.C. Paul, Compositing Computer-Generated Images and Video Films: An Application for Visual Assessment in Urban Environments M.Inakage, Volume-Tracing Mirage Effects A. Takaghi, T.Ozeki, T.Oshima, Y. Ogata, and S.Minaso, A Colour Printing System Enabling Faithful Reproduction of the Desired Colour: Widened Colour Gamut Realized by a Multiple Ink Method with the Aid of an Inverse Problem Solution. Animating and Visualizing Virtual Environments: M. Melkemi and L. Melkemi, An Algorithm for Detecting of Dot Patterns K.W. Nam and M.S. Kim, Hermite Interpolation of Solid Orientations Based on Smooth Blending of Two Great Circular Arcs on SO(3) R. Turner, Leman: A System for constructing and Animating Layered Elastic Characters Y.Wu, D. Thalmann, and N.M. Thalmann, Deformable Surfaces Using Physically Based Particle Systems C. Beardon and V.Ye, Using Behavioural Rules in Animation Z. Huang, R.Boulic, N.M. Thalmann, and D. Thalmann, A Multi-Sensor Approach for Grasping and 3D Interaction M. Cooper and I. Benjamin, Actors, Performance, and Drama in Virtual Worlds S. Takai, T. Yasuda, S.Yokoi, and J.Toriwaki, A Method of Expression of Space Phenomena with CG Animation: The Collision of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter in July 1994. N.M. Thalmann, I.S. Pandzic, and J.C. Moussaly, The Making of the Xian Terra-Cotta Soldiers F. Van Reeth, K. Coninx, and E. Flerackers, A Modular System of r Manipulating Image Sequences E.V. Anoshkina, A.G. Belyaev, R. Huang, and T.L. Kunji, Ridges and Ravines on a Surface and Related Geometry of Skeletons, Caustics, and Wavefronts S.T. Tuohy, J.W.Yoon, and N.M. Patrikalakis, Reliable Interrogation of 3D Non-linear and Geophysical Databases M.Jern, Visualization Market Trends -- An Industrial Briefing. Virtual Reality Systems: E. Rose, D.Breen, K. Ahlers, C.Crampton, M.Tuceryan, r. Whitaker, and D. Greer, Annotating Real-World Objects Using Augmented Reality P.J. Erard, C. Fuhrer, and L.Iff, Virtual Sensors and Mobile Robotics S. Miyazaki, M. Ishiguro, T.Yasuda, S.Yokoi, and J.Toriwaki, A Study of Virtual Manipulation of Elastic Objects A. Johnson and F. Fotouhi, Data Retrieval through