A new electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) running at high frequency has been designed in collaboration between INFNLNS and CEA Grenoble. The source, named GyroSERSE, aims to the production of highly charged ions (up to 55 or 60) at intensities so far never obtained and of medium charge states at high intensities (≈1 emA). Both goals are of paramount interest for future accelerators and require high-frequency superconducting ECR ion sources. This means a significant step to achieve with respect to the technology of copper coils and permanent magnets, and also with respect to the new projects of hybrid or fully superconducting magnets. The expected performances of the new source are presented, as estimated from ECRIS scaling laws and demonstrated recently by experiments performed with SERSE at 28 GHz [1,2]. The technological aspects related to high-frequency operation and to cryogenic systems are briefly discussed, thus showing that this kind of source is as versatile as the sources of the previous generation but it shows performances typically ten times higher.