'8S6923' (Aurora Golden Gala) apple

‘8S6923’ is a midseason, yellow dessert apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh.) with exceptional texture and keeping quality (Fig. 1). The fruit flesh is extremely crisp and juicy, firm and sweet. It retains crispness and juiciness for 6 months in air storage at 1 °C. The shelf life of fruit after storage is excellent. The tree is highly precocious and productive. The growth habit of ‘8S6923’ is spreading with ample spur development and moderate vigor. It is not subject to alternate bearing or preharvest drop. ‘8S6923’ has been tested under contract by several orchardists in British Colombia, as well as by institutional cooperators in the Canadian provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Quebec. ‘8S6923’ is also being tested by a nursery consortium in France. The fruit will be sold under the name Aurora Golden Gala. The name was chosen in a nationwide internet-based Name The Apple contest sponsored by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Communication team. The winning entry was submitted by Daphne Biggs of Ottawa, Ont.