Accuracy in estimating

Several methods of estimating the costs or price of construction projects are now available for use in the construction industry. It is difficult due to the conservative approach of estimators and quantity surveyors, and the fact that the industry is undergoing one of its deepest recessions this century, to implement any changes in these processes. Several methods have been tried and tested and probably discarded forever, whereas other methods are still in their infancy. There is also a movement towards greater use of the computer, whichever method seems to be adopted. An important consideration with any method of estimating is the accuracy by which costs can be calculated. Any improvement in this consideration will be welcomed by a11 parties, because existing methods are poor when measured by this criteria. Estimating, particularly by contractors, has always carried some mystic, and many of the processes discussed both in the classroom and in practice are little more than fallacy when properly investigated. What makes an estimator or quantity surveyor good at forecasting the right price? To what extent does human behaviour influence or have a part to play? These and some of the other aspects of effective estimating are now examined in more detail.