Linearization and Nonlinear Control in flight-Controls and Aeroelasticity for Civil Aircraft Using MATRIXx

This Master Thesis has been written at EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) Airbus in Bremen.The work contains a description of a few methods when linearising SystemBuild models in MATRIXx. MATRIXx is a tool for matrix manipulations (similar to Matlab) and SystemBuild is a graphical modeling environment (similar to SimuLink). The methods examined are the linearization command “lin” and the method of attaining a linear model through system identification (subspace identification). A command scipt for frequency response analysis has also been written. To get more familiar with the tools in MATRIXx an attempt to solve a control problem has also been made. The problem consists of a limit cycle that appears in an airplane when one control surface (outer aileron) is in damping mode. The two main ideas that have been investigated are scalar feedback and nonlinear feedback. Due to the cxomplexity of the model the outcome is that a simple feedback is the best solution of the approaches made. (Less)