Integrated dynamic fluidic lens system for in vivo biological imaging

We have developed an integrated dynamic lens system for in vivo optical imaging. Bioinspired dynamic microfluidic lenses allow for real-time dynamic manipulation of the lens focal length via microfluidic injection into a PDMS membrane-capped chamber. A piezoelectrically actuated micropump is integrated with with the lens to provide highspeed, accurate lens tunability. The 5mm dynamic lens has demonstrated focal length tunability from 8.5mm to 23mm, numerical aperture values from 0.39 to 0.77, and resolution of 40 linepairs/mm. The micropump operates at 5 kHz and achieved a flow rate of /spl sim/2.4 mL/min. This system can be applied to optical probe techniques to improve diagnosis with real-time depth resolution and variable numerical aperture.