Stability of thiamine and riboflavin during extrusion processing of triticale

Triticale kernels were extruded using a Brabender Plasticorder extruder with ¾-inch rifled barrel and 1:1 flight depth ratio screw. Whole grain samples were extruded at initial moisture contents of 15, 20, and 25%. Debranned samples were extruded at an initial moisture content of 22%. Barrel temperatures of 350, 400, and 450 F and nozzle openings of 1/8 inch and 1/16 inch were used. The products were analyzed for thiamine and riboflavin content. Results were corrected for final moisture content and expressed as fraction retained. A multiple regression was done to determine the relationship between independent and derived variables, and the retention. Riboflavin retention was correlated simply as a function of barrel temperature. Thiamine retention of the debranned material was correlated as a function of nozzle size and barrel temperature. Thiamine retention of the whole grain samples was correlated for nozzle size, first and second order temperature effects, and confounding between nozzle size and temper...