Recent advances in automatic speech recognition and natural language processing have led to a new generation of robust voice-based interfaces. Yet, there is very little work on using voice-based interfaces to query database systems. In fact, one might even wonder who in her right mind would want to query a database system using voice commands! With this demonstration, we make the case for querying database systems using a voice-based interface, a new querying and interaction paradigm we call Query-by-Voice (QbV). We will demonstrate the practicality and utility of QbV for relational DBMSs using a using a proof-of-concept system called EchoQuery. To achieve a smooth and intuitive interaction, the query interface of EchoQuery is inspired by casual human-to-human conversations. Our demo will show that voice-based interfaces present an intuitive means of querying and consuming data in a database. It will also highlight the unique advantages of QbV over the more traditional approaches, text-based or visual interfaces, for applications where context switching is too expensive, too risky or even not possible at all.
H. V. Jagadish,et al.
NaLIR: an interactive natural language interface for querying relational databases
SIGMOD Conference.
Fei Li,et al.
Constructing an Interactive Natural Language Interface for Relational Databases
Proc. VLDB Endow..
Peter Thanisch,et al.
Natural language interfaces to databases – an introduction
Natural Language Engineering.
Carsten Binnig,et al.
Vizdom: Interactive Analytics through Pen and Touch
Proc. VLDB Endow..
Marianne Shaw,et al.
On Improving User Response Times in Tableau
SIGMOD Conference.