OTEC Technology- A World of Clean Energy and Water

Scientists all over the world are making predictions about the ill effects of Global warming and its consequences on the mankind. Conventional Fuel Fired Electric Power Stations contribute nearly 21.3% of the Global Green House Gas emission annually. Hence, an alternative for such Power Stations is a must to prevent global warming. One fine alternative that comes to the rescue is the Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) Power Plant, the complete Renewable Energy Power Station for obtaining Cleaner and Greener Power. Even though the concept is simple and old, recently it has gained momentum due to worldwide search for clean continuous energy sources to replace the fossil fuels. The design of a 5 Megawatt OTEC Pre-commercial plant is clearly portrayed to brief the OTEC technical feasibility along with economic consideration studies for installing OTEC across the world. OTEC plant can be seen as a combined Power Plant and Desalination plant. Practically, for every Megawatt of power generated by hybrid OTEC plant, nearly 2.28 million litres of desalinated water is obtained every day. Its value is thus increased because many parts of the globe are facing absolute water scarcity. OTEC could produce enough drinking water to ease the crisis drought-stricken areas. The water can be used for local agriculture and industry, any excess water being given or sold to neighboring communities. sea water to run the turbine. Another commonly known design, hybrid plants, is a combination of the two. In fact, the plants would cool the ocean by the same amount as the energy extracted from them. Apart from power generation, an OTEC plant can also be used to pump up the cold deep sea water for air conditioning and refrigeration, if it is brought back to shore. In addition, the enclosed sea water surrounding the plant can be used for aquaculture. Hydrogen produced by subjecting the steam to electrolysis during the OTEC process can fuel hybrid automobiles, provided hydrogen can be transported economically to sea shore. Another undeveloped opportunity is the potential to mine ocean water for its 57 elements contained in salts and other forms and dissolved in solution. The initial capital cost of OTEC power station would look high, but an OTEC plant would not involve the waste- treatment or astronomical decommissioning costs of a nuclear facility. Also, it would offset its expense through the sale of the desalinated water.