Status of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Development at Topsoe Fuel Cell A/S and DTU Energy Conversion

Conversion DTU Orbit (27/10/2019) Status of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Development at Topsoe Fuel Cell A/S and DTU Energy Conversion Many years of close collaboration between Topsoe Fuel Cell A/S (TOFC) and Risø (to day DTU Energy Conversion) on SOFC development have ensured an efficient transfer of SOFC basic know how to industrial technology. The SOFC development in the consortium includes material development and manufacturing of materials, cells and stacks based on state of the art as well as innovative strategies. Today TOFC provides the SOFC technology platform: Cells, stacks, integrated multi stack module and PowerCore units that integrate stack modules with hot fuel processing units for high electrical efficiency. TOFC collaborates with integrator partners to develop, test and demonstrate possibilities and challenges in case of CHP, distributed generation, transportation application and electrolysis. Aiming at improved reliability, robustness and low material cost, TOFC has in the collaboration with DTU increased the efforts on development of next generation cells with metallic support including novel infiltrated nano-structured electrodes for operation in the temperature range 600-700 oC. Recently, record-breaking results have been obtained on cell level as well as on stack level.