FTP-file transfer program

As regular readers of the na-digest know, I have made my current technical reports available by anonymous ftp. The response has been encouraging, and several people have asked how to make their own reports available. Hence this little note. First some background. Ftp-short for file transfer program-is an interact interface for moving files over the network. The user can send or get ASCII or binary files. A particularly useful command is "mget", which expands names (e.g., paper.*) and gets all the resulting files. Details may be found in the on-line manual. Ordinarily one must have a valid account on a machine in order to ftp to it. This causes difficulties for people who want to make programs, reports, and the like available to the general public. The fix is the anonymous ftp account, which gives people restricted access to files on a machine. Here for an example, is a little run in which I listed some directories on my own machine. 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password. Password: 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. ftp/, cd pub 250 CWD command successful. tip/, Is 200 PORT command successful. 150 ASCII data connection for/bin/Is (,1315) (0 bytes). jeep matnxpert references reports 226 ASCII Transfer complete. 39 bytes received in 1.1 seconds (0.035 Kbytes/s) tip/, bye 221 Goodbye. thales: