Unerwartete Ursache einer Fußwurzeldestruktion bei einem Diabetiker
HISTORY A 56-year-old male patient has suffered from increasing pain in the left foot which limited the ability of walking since 18 months. There was a soft and painful swelling below the left inner ankle. In addition the patient reported back pain, but no neurological symptoms. Insulin dependent diabetes type II was known for 20 years, and a diabetic foot syndrome was suspected. 6 months prior the patient consulted his physician because of repeated acute bronchitis with expectoration and no improvement following antibiotic therapy. INVESTIGATIONS Osteolytic destruction of the left middle foot and the tarsal with soft tissue infiltration according to MR, a spondylodiscitis of the lumbar vertebra I and II (MR) and mixed interstitial/alveolar infiltrates throughout the lung with a predominance in both upper lobes were found. The microbiological examination of sputum and biopsy of inflamed soft tissue of the left ankle revealed infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis. DIAGNOSIS Open lung tuberculosis with concomitant bone tuberculosis and tuberculous arthritis of the left middle foot and spondylodiscitis. THERAPY AND CLINICAL COURSE The antibiotic therapy consisted of a combination of five antibiotic drugs for 2 weeks and of a four drug combination for further 3.5 months. After that there will be a consolidation therapy with a two drug regime for 6 months. An orthopaedist is also involved. Surgical procedures with respect to the left foot will not be considered as long as the antibiotic therapy has not been finished. CONCLUSION A combination of symptoms resulting from inflammatory bone processes and pulmonary symptoms is always suspicious for a hematogenic dissemination of a pulmonary tuberculosis.