The Simulation of Natural Scenery Based on ObjectARX

The simulation of natural scenery is a very important branch of Computer Graphics and has a broad application fields. The traditional Euclidian theory is used in describing the regular-shaped objects. However, the fractal theory is adapted to describe the irregular-shaped objects. This paper mainly introduces how to simulate various kinds of natural scenery to the life in the nature by combining the free surface modeling technology of the traditional Euclidian theory with the Iteration Function System (IFS) of the fractal theory. Firstly, it introduced how to use the free surface (B-spline surface) modeling technology to generate three-dimensional terrains. Secondly, it introduced the algorithms and the implement processes of three-dimensional fractal trees using the Iteration Function System. Finally, it realized a generally practical application of three-dimensional terrain with some three-dimensional trees. This paper mainly used the programming interface language-ObjectARX of AutoCAD and Visual C++ to implement the simulation of natural scenery. The simulative effect is quite reality to the natural scenery, and it has certain validity and practicability to use ObjectARX to simulate the natural scenery.