The Flame rekindled : new hopes for international arbitration

In Memoriam Judge Manfred Lachs. Articles: The Flame Rekindled S. Muller, W. Mijs. A New Direction for the PCA - the Work of the Expert Group J.L. Bleich. Structure, process, outcome - Thoughts on the "Essence" of International Arbitration M.C.W. Pinto. Some Reflections on the Nature of Arbitration H.M. Holtzmann. The International Court as Constitutional Court and the Blurring of the Arbitral/Judicial Processes E. McWhinney. Private Parties and the Permanent Court of Arbitration P. Sanders. The International Court of Justice and International Arbitration Sh. Rosenne. Equity in Arbitration and in Judicial Settlement of Disputes M. Lachs. The Perspectives of African Countries on International Commercial Arbitration S.K.B. Asante. Enforcement of an Arbitral Award against a State - with Whom are You Dealing? A. van Blankenstein. Concluding Observations S.M. Schwebel, M. Brus, A.J. van den Berg. Table of Cases.