연구논문 : 유역관리 조직의 개선과 활성화를 위한 법적 고찰
Current basin management of our country is operated by administrative unit, not by basin unit. Also the law of basin management is broadly divided in some ministries such as the Ministry of home affairs, Ministry of environment and Ministry of construction and transportation. Moreover, we are lack of cooperation and participation of the interested parties that are necessary for basin management. To improve this situation, we should establish a fundamental law on the basic things of water resource management. Currently the fundamental law of water management which can be a evidence of basin management is pending at the national assembly. In addition, by operating an organization for practical affairs of water management by basin unit, flood/drought measure, water examination & antipollution measure, development plan & land use plan and industry luring business should be carried out. Also, in order to manage various environmental problems that can be caused while establishing and practicing drainage basin management, every interest parties should participate and cooperate. In short, the plan to improve basin management organization is, First, we should make a standard of drainage basin management among the whole country. Second, integrated management system should be introduced for every valley unit. Third, participation of the public is required. And an integrated administrativ eorganization is necessary that can support the basin management efficiently. In concrete, as the central government had been controlling water resources until now, the introduction of basin management committee is necessary so that the basin units can manage themselves. Moreover, basin management organization should get more active by partnership and building network.