Further 7 millimeter VLBI observations of 3C 84 and other sources with 100 microarcsecond angular resolution

Second-epoch observations of the nuclear region of 0316 + 413 (3C 84, NGC 1275) were made at 7 mm wavelength with an angular resolution of 100 microarcsec. They confirm the existence of almost perpendicularly oriented components close to the core of the galaxy. A part of the nuclear region expanded along an angle of about 200 deg, suggestive of its being the inner portion of a jet that further out bends into the 10 milliarcsec southerly oriented jet known from earlier observations with a lower angular resolution. Eight more extragalactic sources were detected with transoceanic interferometers, five of them for the first time, promising a bright future for millimeter wavelength VLBI. 20 refs.