Effect of Fast-Neutron Irradiation on Twinning Deformation of Zirconium

Unirradiated zirconium specimens and specimens irradiated to a fluence of 4.1 ×1019 n/cm2 were subjected to tensile deformation at room temperature. During the straining, the specimens were removed at intervals from the testing machine for microphotographie inspection, to determine the progress of slip line density Ns, the twin volume fraction Vt and the twin density Ni, as function of strain. The effect of neutron irradiation on these values were studied in detail. The resulting data indicated that the neutron irradiation inhibited the growth of twins in the early stage of deformation, up to a plastic strain ϵp of about 11%, beyond which level the irradiation tended instead to inhibit nucleation. Between growth of twins and nucleation, it was the latter phenomenon that was found more effective in promoting slip deformation. The break in the slope of plots relating the reciprocal work hardening de/da to the true plastic stress σp gave the twin stress σt, which proved to represent a good approximation of t...