A tiger by the tail: When multiplicative noise stymies control

This paper considers the stabilization of an unstable discrete-time linear system that is observed over a channel corrupted by continuous multiplicative noise. The main result is a converse bound that shows that if the system growth is large enough the system cannot be stabilized in a mean-squared sense. This is done by showing that the probability of the state magnitude remains bounded must go to zero with time. It was known that a system with multiplicative observation noise can be stabilized using a simple linear strategy if the system growth is suitably bounded. However, it was not clear whether non-linear controllers could overcome arbitrarily large growth factors. One difficulty with using the standard approach for a data-rate theorem style converse is that the mutual information per round between the system state and the observation is potentially unbounded with a multiplicative noise observation channel. Our proof technique recursively bounds the conditional density of the system state (instead of focusing on the second moment) to bound the progress the controller can make.

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