Decision Support System for Design of Center Pivots

Sprinkler irrigation package selection for center pivot systems depends on soil type and affects water and energy use. A decision support system (DSS) was developed to provide designers and irrigators with a rapid method to analyze many design alternatives. A digitized soils database is accessed by the DSS to determine the predominate soil for each 0.64-ha parcel of land in a center pivot field or site. Flow rates needed to meet crop water requirements and expected application losses are calculated and spatially averaged based on these water requirements for each cell. Uniformity of the irrigation applications are estimated for level land only. Energy usage for various sprinkler packages and power sources can be analyzed. Potential runoff from each cell is displayed by the DSS. The user selects the parameters for multiple system comparisons. The DSS enhances the analyses of management information seldom utilized in current design methods and presents the results of database lookups and numerical model calculations in easy-to-interpret graphical formats. The design can then integrate the users’ attitudes and values regarding energy and water savings.