Conformally invariant 'massless' spin-2 field in the de Sitter universe

A massless spin-2 field equation in de Sitter space, which is invariant under the conformal transformation, has been obtained. The framework utilized is the symmetric rank-2 tensor field of the conformal group. Our method is based on the group theoretical approach and six-cone formalism, initially introduced by Dirac. Dirac's six-cone is used to obtain conformally invariant equations on de Sitter space. The solution of the physical sector of massless spin-2 field (linear gravity) in de Sitter ambient space is written as a product of a generalized polarization tensor and a massless minimally coupled scalar field. Similar to the minimally coupled scalar field, for quantization of this sector, the Krein space quantization is utilized. We have calculated the physical part of the linear graviton two-point function. This two-point function is de Sitter invariant and free of pathological large-distance behavior.

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