Incentive-Based Integrated Demand Response for Multiple Energy Carriers Considering Behavioral Coupling Effect of Consumers

Incentive-based demand response (DR) has been recognized as a powerful tool to mitigate supply-demand imbalance in electricity market. However, it cannot be directly applied into integrated demand response (IDR) for multi-energy systems where there are energy substitution effect among different types of energy carriers and behavioral coupling effect of consumers. In this paper, an incentive-based IDR model for multiple energy carriers considering behavioral coupling effect of consumers is proposed. The proposed model not only effectively deals with the above two effects but also enhances applicability of incentive-based DR into the scenario where curtailment DR and absorbing DR are planned simultaneously. Furtherly, the proposed IDR model is also extended to multi-period coupling IDR considering the effect of energy storage unit. The solution methodologies for the proposed model and extended model are also presented. The existence and uniqueness of optimal solution are identified. Finally, simulation results verify merits of the proposed model in cutting down total cost of multi-energy aggregator (MEA), reducing dissatisfaction of consumers, improving accuracy of optimal solution, and improving the utilization of energy storage unit.

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