A Partial Flip, A Whole Transformation: Redesigning Sophomore Circuits

In order to introduce more skill building and problem solving exercises into the Circuits curriculum, the second Circuits course, which focuses on circuits in the frequency domain, was redesigned into a partially flipped class model with group activities and group problem solving. Over the course of eighteen months, changes were implemented into the course, resulting in a fully redesigned course in early 2012. Since spring of 2013 all sections of the course have been taught using the new format including both a summer section and a distance section. By placing review material online in an easy-to-reach location, students can review forgotten material from prior courses in a “just-in-time” fashion for some topics in the Circuits course curriculum. New material is also placed online and students are required to view this material before coming to class each day in order to be able to take part in group activities. This allows the students to review the new material repeatedly and to “pause” the instruction when they need more time to understand a concept. Comparisons of in-class exam scores, between the new format and the traditional format, have shown positive results. Overall pass rates have been compared as well as end-of-course advancement exam scores. Student satisfaction survey data has been collected both from students at the end of the course and from graduating seniors who have taken the course in a prior semester. By facilitating student-centered learning, students are showing at least equal if not increased success in the learning objectives. By requiring students to take ownership of their own learning, they are better prepared to continue in more advanced courses. The material remains available to students after they complete the Circuits course. This allows them to access it as a review for other courses such as Electronics and Power as well as for studying for the FE exam.