Expression of Masticatory-specific Isoforms of Myosin Heavy-chain, Myosin-binding Protein-C and Tropomyosin in Muscle Fibers and Satellite Cell Cultures of Cat Masticatory Muscle

We test the hypothesis that cat jaw satellite cells belong to a distinct lineage preprogrammed to express masticatory-specific isoforms of myosin heavy-chain (m-MyHC), myosin-binding protein-C (m-MBP-C), and tropomyosin (m-Tm) during myogenesis in vitro. A monoclonal antibody (MAb) against m-MyHC and MAbs raised here against cat m-MBP-C and m-Tm were used to stain cryostat sections of cat masseter muscle and cultured myotubes derived from satellite cells of cat temporalis and limb muscles, using peroxidase immunohistochemistry. MAbs against m-MBP-C bound purified m-MBP-C in Western blots. MAbs against m-Tm failed to react with m-Tm in Western blots, but reacted with native m-Tm in gel electrophoresis–derived ELISA. In cat masseter sections, MAbs against m-MyHC, m-MBP-C, and m-Tm stained all masticatory fibers, but not the jaw-slow fibers. Cat jaw and limb muscle cultures mature significantly more slowly relative to rodent cultures. However, at 3 weeks, all three MAbs extensively stained temporalis myotubes, whereas they apparently stained isolated myotubes weakly in cat limb and rat jaw cultures. We conclude that satellite cells of masticatory fibers are preprogrammed to express these isoforms during myogenesis in vitro. These results consolidate the notion that masticatory and limb muscle allotypes are distinct.

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