철도운송산업의 산업연관 분석 2003~2013년, 지난 10년의 비교

The inter-industrial inducement effects of the Korean railway services on the output, value-added, and imports of 383 industrial sectors of the Korean economy have been computed by the input-output analysis technique utilizing the ‘2013 Input-Output Statistics’, which was published most recently in December 2015 by the Bank of Korea. The research results are, then, compared and contrasted with the former research results with the ‘2003 Input-0utput Statistics’, which were published in the Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, August, 2008. The economic inducement effects computed in this study are as follows. The Korean railway service industry produced ₩5,841 billion worth of passenger and freight railroad services in the year 2013, and it induced ₩8,511 billion worth of output, ₩84 billion worth of value-added, and ₩1,050 billion worth of imports for Korean industry as a whole.; the production inducement multiplier, value-added multiplier, and imports inducement multiplier of 2013 results are shown to be quite different from 2003 multipliers.; it has been shown that it is necessary to utilize the most recent Input-Output Statistics for the computation of the most recent inter-industrial analysis.