Beurteilung der Abbildungsqualität bi- und multifokaler Intraokularlinsen durch ein neues optisches System

By means of a new optical device developed by Reiner, an "optical implantation" of 6 different bi- and multifocal intraocular lenses (MIOLs) was performed in 20 young healthy subjects, and results were compared with those of a monofocal reference IOL. The following parameters were investigated: distance and near visual acuity, depth of focus and contrast sensitivity. The median of distance visual acuity was 1.0 in all IOLs with the exception of a 7-zone refractive MIOL (0.75). Near acuity without near addition was 1.0 in all MIOL models; through focus curves of all MIOLs showed an increase in depth of focus with a typical two peak course. Contrast sensitivity at high contrasts was reduced for the 7-zone-model, but contrast sensitivity at low contrasts was significantly reduced for all MIOLs, except the 2- and 3-zone refractive models.