Characterization of decohering quantum systems: Machine learning approach

Adaptive data collection and analysis, where data are being fed back to update the measurement settings, can greatly increase speed, precision, and reliability of the characterization of quantum systems. However, decoherence tends to make adaptive characterization difficult. As an example, we consider two coupled discrete quantum systems. When one of the systems can be controlled and measured, the standard method to characterize another, with an unknown frequency $\omega_{\rm r}$, is swap spectroscopy. Here, adapting measurements can provide estimates whose error decreases exponentially in the number of measurement shots rather than as a power law in conventional swap spectroscopy. However, when the decoherence time is so short that an excitation oscillating between the two systems can only undergo less than a few tens of vacuum Rabi oscillations, this approach can be marred by a severe limit on accuracy unless carefully designed. We adopt machine learning techniques to search for efficient policies for the characterization of decohering quantum systems. We find, for instance, that when the system undergoes more than 2 Rabi oscillations during its relaxation time $T_1$, $O(10^3)$ measurement shots are sufficient to reduce the squared error of the Bayesian initial prior of the unknown frequency $\omega_{\rm r}$ by a factor $O(10^4)$ or larger. We also develop policies optimized for extreme initial parameter uncertainty and for the presence of imperfections in the readout.