This paper demonstrates the flora, plant communities and substrates of an old solvay process spoil tip in Upper Silesia, Poland. In an area of 15 000 m 2 there are growing 136 vascular plant species. The flora is characterised by the preponderance of Asteraceae - species and long-lived perennial herbs, many of them coming from meadows and grasslands. Ninety-five percent of species are apophytes despite the anthropogenic origin of the site. A majority of species are associated with moderately dry, base-rich soils with low or moderate levels of nitrogen. The site is shown to be an important refuge for some protected species, montane species and other elements uncommon in the local flora. An analysis of a series of samples used a methodology based on the assessment of percentage cover of particular species and multivariate analysis based on TWINSPAN. Both suggested a relatively high overall similarity between the samples with minor variations associated with moister substrates.Elemental analysis and pH determinations of soil samples associated with the releves revealed a narrow range of pH and an absence of any strong concentrations of heavy metals. A redundancy analysis of the soil-plant relationships suggested that the strongest trend of differentiation was most closely associated with a phosphate gradient, and the next strongest was pH and possibly waterlogging. The most species-rich vegetation was associated with low phosphate and high pH levels. The results could be interpreted to suggest that processes of soil development and plant succession are slow but nevertheless perceptible, with implications for future loss of diversity. The vegetation constitutes an assemblage essentially of one type showing only weak relationships with described vegetation types such as Molinio-Arrhenatheretea meadow, Festuco-Brometea grassland and Caricetalia davallianae mire. The results also suggest that the vegetation of the site is of considerable value for nature conservation. The site should be protected and be the subject of further research.
B. Tokarska-Guzik.
Rola hald zasadowych w utrzymaniu lokalnej bioroznorodnosci
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Vascular plants of Poland: a checklist.
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The introduction of native plant species on industrial waste heaps: a test of immigration and other factors affecting primary succession
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Succession of microorganisms on the spoil mounds of the Cracow Soda Factory
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Indicator values of plants in Central Europe
B. Tokarska-Guzik,et al.
Roślinność hałdy pocynkowej w Katowicach-Wełnowcu
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Manʾs impact upon the flora: processes and effects
W. A. Berg.
The Restoration of Land
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A Fortran program for arranging multivariate data in an ordered two-way table by classification of the individuals and attributes
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Derelict industrial land as a habitat for rare plants in S. Lancs. (v.c. 59) and W. Lancs. (v.c. 60)
J. G. Kelcey.
Industrial Development and Wildlife Conservation
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