The first operation of control system at the SPring-8 storage ring

The control system based on the standard model of the UNIX and VMEbus system has successfully performed accelerator operation with 8GeV electron beams. The software architecture of the control system designed with the client/server scheme has well operated over the distributed computing environment with the FDDI opticalfiber network. The relational database system has been widely used for machine data acquisition, archiving, and management of equipment parameters. The results of the control system from the experience of the storage ring operation are summarized. 1 Status of SPring-8 The SPring-8 storage ring, a third generation light-source, has been started its beam commissioning since March 13th, 1997. On March 25th, the 8GeV electron beam was captured by the RF system, and the first synchrotron radiation light from a bending magnet was observed on the next day. The commissioning of the storage ring with insertion devices has been continued with 20mA beam current until October 3rd. After the commissioning, the beam lifetime reaches up to around 70hours at 20mA. Now, the synchrotron light from ten beamlines consisting of seven insertion devices (1 wiggler and 6 undulators) and three bending magnets are available.