Three-Dimensional Shape: Cortical Mechanisms of Shape Extraction

Three-dimensional (3D) shape is perceived by human and nonhuman primates from a variety of cues including stereo, motion, texture, and shading. Functional imaging in awake monkeys and humans concur in the involvement of MT/V5 and its human homolog in the extraction of 3D shape form motion, along with a number of parietal and occipitotemporal regions. Single-cell studies have highlighted the selectivity for gradients in speed, disparity, and texture and demonstrated cue convergence in MT/V5, but also in the parietal caudal intraparietal (CIP) region and the inferotemporal (IT) TEs region. While most neurons in these regions were documented to be selective for linear gradients, those in TEs are selective for second-order gradients of disparity. Thus 3D shape is not represented as a 3D map but more likely by sets of local gradients.

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