Going Out: The Rise and Fall of Public Amusements by David Nasaw (review)
Acknowledgments 1. Introduction 2. Dollar Theaters, Concert Saloons, and Dime Museums 3. "Something for Everybody" at the Vaudeville Theater 4. "The Best Smelling Crowd in the World" 5. The "Indecent" Others 6. The City as Playground: The World's Fair Midways 7. "The Summer Show" 8. The National Game 9. "Laughter and Liberty Galore": Early Twentieth-Century Dance Halls, Ballrooms, and Cabarets 10. Talking and Singing Machines, Parlors, and Peep Shows 11. "The Surest Immediate Money-Maker Ever Known" 12. The First Picture Shows 13. "The Pernicious 'Moving Picture' Abomination" 14. Combination Shows, Stars, and Features 15. Waving the Flag 16. Palaces for the People 17. Decline and Fall List of Abbreviations Notes Index