Covert Modeling: The Therapeutic Application of Imagined Rehearsal

In behavior therapy, a large number of techniques are based upon the use of imagery. In these techniques, clients are instructed to imagine carefully planned scenes to alter their behavior. The most well-investigated technique that fits this general description is systematic desensitization, in which a client usually imagines him- or herself engaging in various behaviors directed at overcoming anxiety (cf. Wolpe, 1958). Several techniques that are based upon imagery are referred to as covert conditioning and have been developed by Cautela (1971a, 1972). These techniques were derived from extrapolations of specific learning principles developed in laboratory research and include covert sensitization, covert positive reinforcement, covert negative reinforcement, covert extinction, covert punishment, and covert modeling (Cautela, 1966, 1967, 1970a, 1970b, 1971b, 1974, 1976b). Techniques such as covert reinforcement, punishment, and extinction are considered to be direct applications of the respective operant principles. Covert sensitization relies upon operant conditioning principles such as punishment and negative reinforcement as well as classical conditioning and aversion relief. Covert modeling derives from observational or vicarious learning. These techniques represent a major innovation in behavior therapy.

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